OHS Essentials Program
Westvic Staffing Solutions approved to deliver WorkSafe Victoria OHS Essentials Program for local small to medium size businesses
Funded by WorkSafe Victoria, the OHS Essentials Program offers a FREE independent OHS Consultancy service to businesses employing up to 60 employees. Our qualified OHS Consultants will help your business to understand and identify hazards and provide you with a practical safety action plan that is tailored to your business requirements.
For more information you can contact Mike Bellamy on (03) 5561 9000 or email mbellamy@westvic.org.au.
To Apply for your free Consultancy Service
Complete the enquiry details on this website and we will contact you to lodge the application on your behalf: https://westvic.org.au/contact/make-a-general-enquiry/
Or follow the link to the WorkSafe Victoria website at https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/ohs-essentials-program and complete the details and make sure you nominate Westvic Staffing Solutions as your preferred provider.