What is OHS Essentials?
The Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Essentials Program is a free safety consultation service, administered by WorkSafe but delivered by our independent experienced and qualified consultant.
The program is available to business with less than 60 employees and hold WorkSafe Insurance Policy. Sole traders with contractors may be also eligible to apply but must also hold a WorkSafe Insurance Policy.
Our consultant will come to the workplace, help identify hazards and provide a practical safety action plan to address. We also undertake a follow up visit within 6 months to see how you are tracking and provide support. A final visit is undertaken generally between 9 to 12 months of the initial visit to review your progress of the actions identified in the improvement plan.
To apply for this free service please contact us directly or visit complete the OHS Essentials Registration located on our website. Alternatively you can apply directly on-line through WorkSafe Victoria (https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/ohs-essentials-program) and nominate Westvic Staffing Solutions as your service provider.