Youth Jobs PaTH Employability Skills Training (PaTH) – One Year On

Twelve months ago, Jonathon Trigg gained an apprenticeship, with a Certificate III in Commercial Cookery and employment at the Mid City Motel in Warrnambool through the Youth Jobs PaTH Employability Skills Training (PaTH) program. Through PaTH, Westvic Staffing Solutions has been able to provide Jonathon with the support and employability skills to succeed in his new career. One…

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Toby’s Apprenticeship Success Story

Toby Hawkins began his school-based apprenticeship (Cert III Engineering Fabrication) with host employer Tasweld Engineering in 2014.  In mid-2015, Toby was offered and took up a full time position at Tasweld Engineering part way through his Year 12. Toby said “leaving school mid-way through year 12 was a difficult decision but I was ready to…

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